Saturday, April 04, 2009

I like to dance this way

Created and produced by the amazing Shien Lee, Dances of Vice is a monthly NYC event that celebrates everything about the Roccoco, Victorian, and Jazz Eras. People dress up in thier finest period clothing and enjoy performances from the likes of Voltaire or jazz tunes from Shanghai. You might think the big mish mash of time periods would be horrible but everthing blends well into a common feeling of decadence. Each event also has a theme, the latest being "La Vie Parisienne."

Personally, I'd go for the opulent fashions so whether your vice is Prohibition Era alcohol or Victorian opiates, just make sure you dress your finest. You may not want to outstage Princ Poppycock but that is the point afterall.

More info can be found here or here for pictures.

1 comment:

eluv said...

i watched the video i like it i like all their clothes and lovely fancy things


image from