Thus began my quest for Extreme Banana Nut Bread (that's really what it's called).
The day's journey began at Point E (refer to map). I made my way on the bus to Safeway (grocery store) at Point D. I picked up flour, sugar, eggs, etc... The lady at the checkout counter suggested zucchini bread.* And then I ran into my roommate from last year, whose place I was at last night, at the bus stop back, but that's besides the point.
We rode the bus back to Point A (where her apartment also is) and... drumroll please, Max, the Dollar Tree! I was looking for 9x5 inch baking pans. They did not have any. I proceeded to Long's Drugs (like Walgreens) at Point B. Nothing but empty aisles (not that empty, there were probably 2 or 3 other customers). Point C is where an actual Walgreens is. To no avail. Now I got on the bus again to Safeway. Do you remember? It was so long ago. Point D. And they weren't even the right size.
So the assembly line proceeded smoothly back at my current temporary residence.
Nothing disastrous this time. Not too shabby for a first banana nut bread. Although, I don't see how it's supposed to be extreme.
* Opening for a sequel?
Max lived on my floor last year. He's a drummer and he made his own drum set, multiple. He's setting up his drums in his basement. Little bit totally cool.
Kevin likes banana nut bread.
That banana nut bread. . . it looks so. . . so delicious. . . but's it only a photo.
Anyway, that pic with the google map is really cool. Did you use print screen and then crop it?
Too bad there isn't smell-o-vision. I will make it again at home for you.
Yes, I did. I only discovered that trick late this summer and it has come in very handy. In fact, I used it to save the recipe.
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