Sunday, November 30, 2008


This weekend has been longer than most, and thusly has been more action packed. San Francisco was a grand total of two days. J and I stayed for the tree lighting in Union Square on Friday. There's an ice-skating rink there, which I question because it could easily have been 70 degrees. Someone from Wicked sang for SF. I believe it's something along the lines of their homecoming (that's what the flyer said). J and I went to see The Devil's Disciple on Saturday. But as much as I tried to be productive all weekend, it's been at a crawl. I seem to have stumbled upon a new legion of blogs, which is really not conducive to finishing papers or projects at all. But here's a good way to stumble through life.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No car, no problem

Since the weather doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon, I opted to walk back from the grocery store. North Berkeley, is what I believe is often referred to as the "gourmet ghetto" by the students as opposed to "Asian ghetto" on the south side of campus. In no way an I advocating the referral of these respective areas as "ghettos" and they really aren't. It's not PC and they should just say "food." North Berkeley has a lot of higher end sit down restaurants, but south Berkeley is mostly take-out and to-go (don't ask me what the difference between take-out and to-go is). North Berkeley has these sorts of establishments I'm guessing because it's not on campus or close to campus. North Berkeley is also rather permeated with yuppie.

I spotted these excellently crafted pieces of shrubbery on my way back. The reindeer is being sold. But then wouldn't it grow out again? And then you would just have a bush? Besides the point... Sometimes it's fun to walk it instead of driving or busing or even biking. You can take the time to slow down and check out all the details and cracks in the sidewalk you wouldn't normally notice.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Does anyone else think it's weird that Gap is selling a bike?

It's argyle.
It's blue.
It's 500 dollars.

image from