This here is the fountain on Sproul Plaza (we don't have a quad, but I guess this is your equivalent). Sometimes it's just water. Sometimes it's a bubble bath. I've yet to figure out if it's administration or students. The other day someone was sitting in there in his swim trunks like it was a hot-tub and he was filming a segment for something. Last week people slept around it to wait for Dalai Lama tickets. This fountain sees a lot.
I think the big goofy grin on the right picture kind of ruins the effect. Her hats really are beautiful in person.
"Children like to think they are less bigoted than ther parents, for example. In fact, they are simply bigoted about different things: fatties, smokers, and people who drive Humvees, rather than blacks or homosexuals" -Lexington, Anger Management for The Economist